
Writing has always been a creative process of discovery and self-expression for me. Below you find an overview of my literary contributions, professional articles, blog projects and poetry.  

Contributions to Books

Anders Wirtschaften

Integrale Impulse für eine globale Ökonomie

hg. von J.Hollmann und K. Daniels

Beitrag: Kapitel 6 – Lern- und Entscheidungsprozesse im Unternehmen

Holacracy: Jenseits von Autokratie und der ‘Tyrannei des Konsens’– Ein Paradigmenwechsel für Organisation im 21. Jahrhundert

Integrale Führung

Neue Perspektiven und Tools für Führung, Management, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung

Heike Kuhlmann, Sandra Horn

Beitrag: Vorwort zur 2. Auflage


Purpose Rising

– A Global Movement of Transformation and Meaning

hg. von E. Kuntzelman & D. DiPerna

Beitrag: Kapitel 18 – “To Have or To Be – On Purpose Over Profit”



My articles have been published in various blogs and on different platforms. 

My Blog on Medium

If you check out my profile page on Medium you will find an overview of all my English articles on the platform (under the roof of different publications).

encode.org Blog

encode.org is a consulting company powered by Holacracy which develops legal, financial and social templates for self-organization. On their Medium publication I write about my experiences of working in a “For-Purpose Enterprise” (FPE).

fundamental integral

2005 I started my first blog. It is inactive now but you can still read my old articles in German

My Blog Articles on Holacracy

Evolution of the Holacracy Facilitation Cards

“No Objection, Your Honor! Merely a Safety Concern…”

— Shifting the Language to Enhance the Process

Mediating the Needs of the Organization, the Individual and the Community in Holacracy

The OMG Circle App („Organisation, Mensch, Gemeinschaft“) v2.0

Zen in the Art of Untangling Organizations

How Holacracy is Similar to Mindfulness-Practice

How to Work, Earn, and Live on Purpose

Beyond Self-Organizing the Work

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