Taster Workshop
Date + Time: [TBD]
Holacracy® Taster Workshop
Today’s organizations are choking on red tape and top-down decision-making. When employees closest to the work sense an urgent need for change, they’re stranded. They don’t have the authority to make even minor decisions without approval. And big decisions? Forget it. Managers are stuck spending too much of their time granting permission.
There is a better way to organize.
Holacracy® is a tested alternative to conventional management structure. It breaks down real work into roles with explicit accountabilities. Authority gets distributed throughout the organization. Holacracy provides organizational clarity and allows individuals to better serve the company’s purpose.
The best part? Holacracy is customizable to your organizational context. Government agencies, schools, healthcare providers, and businesses around the world practice Holacracy. And it’s making their organizations more adaptable, purpose-driven, and human-centric.
The goal of the workshop is to get an experiential taste of what Holacracy looks and feels in practice, and to understand its core components.
Please note: This workshop is not sufficient to immediately adopt Holacracy in your own company but it will give you a clear idea whether this practice is something you might to want to take up.
I offer taster workshops in German or English
Holacracy™ is a trademark of HolacracyOne, LLC – for legal and usage information, please visit www.holacracy.org
The program consists of the following elements. At any point you will have an opportunity to get your questions answered.
- A brief overview about Holacracy – what it is and how it is structured
- Simulation of a “Tactical Meeting”: how to triage operational issues quickly and reliably
- Simulation of a “Governance Meeting”: how to evolve the structure of the organization to better align the work with the organization’s purpose
- Reflection, feedback and Q&A to deepen the insights from the simulation
- Adoption preview: Q&A on questions around next steps in the adoption process (pre-requisites, necessary conditions, steps, etc.)
9:30 – Doors open, tea and coffee
10:00 -13:30 – Morning Session
15:00 -18:00 – Afternoon Session
Price includes drinks, snacks and workshop binders and materials.
The number of participants is limited to 22.
By registering you agree to abide by our terms and services (AGBs).

Dennis Wittrock, M.A. – Certified Holacracy® Coach, internal Holacracy Coach at Hypoport SE, Partner at encode.org, a Holacracy-powered consulting company pioneering legal, social and financial templates for self-organization. Previously: founder and co-director of the Integral European Conference.
Participants’ voices
On-Demand Workshops